Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
At ULI, we are dedicated to improving the environments in which all people live, work, and play. Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are the pillars of sustainable, thriving communities. The calls for racial justice throughout the United States have strengthened our resolve and accelerated our efforts to promote DEI as a fundamental force for creating thriving communities for the future.
ULI Atlanta is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive real estate industry that builds thriving, equitable communities.
About ULI Atlanta’s DEI Committee
ULI Atlanta’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Steering Committee was formed in 2020 and meets to develop policies and best practices to promote racial diversity, equitable development and inclusive practices within ULI Atlanta and the real estate and land use sectors.
Goals and objectives for ULI Atlanta’s DEI work include:
- Establishing a measurable increase in diverse representation in ULI Atlanta leadership, engaged members and overall membership;
- Developing content and convening conversations regarding race and real estate that inform members and create more equitable outcomes in the future; and
- Creating more leadership pathways into the industry for students and professionals of color with an emphasis on the Black community.
- ULI Atlanta DEI Strategy (July 2021)
- ULI’s DEI Community, an online “neighborhood” for ULI members and staff to share real-time communication about DEI efforts from the Institute and our members and member networks, and for community members to post relevant articles and resources, ask questions, and start conversations on topics of interest.
- 10 Principles for Embedding Racial Equity in Real Estate Development
- ULI’s 2021 Annual Report on DEI
- Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2021
- Global Real Estate DEI Survey 2022
DEI Supporters
- Greenstone Properties, Inc.
- Integral